3 Signs Your Friend Is Suffering From Domestic Abuse

Relationships are complicated. Fights occur. Ups and downs are normal. At times, though, signs may lead you to believe that a friend’s romantic relationship is not only the wrong match, but an unhealthy situation fraught with fear and hurt. These ties are hard to break. The person suffering may struggle to admit the truth or be too scared to discuss any concerns. If you or others witness a combination of the following three things, seek professional assistance right away. Law enforcement and a domestic abuse lawyer Hernando County FL could offer support and safety for these trying experiences.

1. Constant Criticism or Blame

While a little bit of banter is fine, consistent putdowns are damaging to self-esteem. Partners should not regularly demean someone they love. It may start with little sayings. An outfit might not look right. Perhaps a meal is not good. When this becomes the norm, the person afflicted with negative thought may pull away, seeing little worth in doing daily activities. Be aware of shyness or the inability to see talents.

2. Physical Harm

Bruises, bumps and breaks are an indicator of serious concern. Verbal abuse has escalated to something physical. Force is not appropriate in any union. Your friend might make excuses or lies to cover up the events. A black eye could be the result of not paying attention to something in the room, a bump or false car accident. 

3. Limits Access to Others

The dominant player may become paranoid or protective, seeking full control over the weaker person. Is your friend never alone? Is the companion always close by, even when in the same room? The abuser might be threatening the victim or be scared that someone is going to take away the connection. 

Don’t sit back and hope that the chain of events is going to stop. Domestic abuse is serious. To break it, aid is required. Work with specialists to assist your friend.

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